The Anchor Baptist Church was started in 1989. After several years, our pastor and founder, Dr. George E. Bell, saw the need for a Christian school to educate our children under the ministry of the Anchor Baptist Church. The Anchor Baptist School was subsequently founded in 1993. Anchor Baptist School is a conventional school with grades K4 - 12th. Though many perceive the Christian school to be a kind of reform school for delinquent children or just another private school, they are mistaken. Anchor Baptist School is neither of these. ABS is a Christ-centered, Bible-based Christian school with the goal of helping you develop your child to reach his fullest potential physically, spiritually, and academically.

Anchor Baptist School is a closed, private, non-tax funded, non-chartered school operated as a ministry of the Anchor Baptist Church.
Enrollment is open to active members of Anchor Baptist Church and other like-minded churches on a case-by-case basis, as approved by our school board.
God has established Anchor Baptist School for the purpose of impacting lives for eternity through Bible-based and Christ-centered education.

Anchor Baptist School was established to train the spirit, mind, soul, and body of our young people so that they achieve the proper godly balance and priorities in their lives. Proverbs 1:7a says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Intellectual preparation begins with respect for God and authority. That is what our school system and Christian education is all about. It’s about spiritual development. One cannot have proper academic achievement without spiritual enrichment. Biblical education begins with God and finds its implementation in the home; our schools are extensions of the home and are provided to assist parents in the training of their children.

We offer a safe, nurturing environment where our students realize their God-given potential to impact the world. It is a place for teachers to influence in Jesus’ name, where students grow in faith and wisdom, and where young men and women are prepared to go into the world, eagerly pursuing the opportunities that God has made ready for them.

Our Objectives in Christian Education:

1. We resolve to prepare young people to stand before the Lord one day by training them to be all that a Christian should be. Every subject is centered upon this theme.

2. We resolve to operate as an extension of the Christian home. To be successful, the major influences in a young person's life (home, church, school) must be consistent in their direction and approach of training youth. This should be in accordance with the Word of God.

3. We resolve to give thorough training for young people in their development of Christian character. The key to development is building a foundation by training one to be obedient, after which all other qualities of Christian character can be learned and practiced.

4. We resolve to exert sufficient external discipline and control so as to train young people to develop internal discipline and self-control.

5. We resolve to train young people to achieve mastery in their learning skills and academic proficiency. Because ABS is Christian, we have an obligation to offer the very best education possible.

6. We resolve to train young people to get along with themselves and with others.

7. We resolve to equip today's youth for tomorrow's needs to provide leadership for the next generation by developing in each young person a sense of responsibility as a Christian citizen.

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